Legal Tender is a memory game built in GB Studio. It was made as a part of Into the Game Jam - Summer 2024, the game jam hosted by The Worst Garbage Discord community. The theme was "The Alchemy of a Coin".

Legal Tender is the first game I have made and finished, and the goal was to finish something, no matter how small.

The original concept was to have multiple rooms of vending machines where you would spend a coin per guess to match items coming out of those machines to each other. If you run out of coins, you have to start over. I imagined more ways to get coins as you progressed. 

This build is simply 1 room. I probably won't come back and add more, but the idea is here, and I learned a ton!

If I pick it back up, you'll probably hear about it in a video or on my blog at


Coin animation - 63choux (Thank you!)

Various sprites - Kenney

GB Studio Tiles - Woodlands - PixelMech

GB Studio SciFi characters - The Pixel Nook

GB Studio General Items Sprite Pack - Gamechanger Mods

Code, all other sprites and backgrounds, and music - Matt Horton (Me!)

Love and support - The TWG Discord

Published 2 days ago
Tags8-Bit, Game Boy, memory, Pixel Art, Singleplayer


LegalTender.gbc 128 kB


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This is a really clever mechanic! Also I love the music